Social Science basic contents:
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BUENOS DÍAS A TODOS Y TODAS ¿Qué tal esos primeros y calurosos días de verano? Otra cosa no, pero calor y piscina estamos teniendo =) Vamos a dejar en información diferentes actividades para poder hacer un pequeño repaso de las asignaturas de lengua y matemáticas. Para el área de inglés animaros a ver películas y series en inglés, y si se puede leer algún libro... sería perfecto. Aquí os ponemos una página web donde podéis encontrar también diferentes recursos: Pero sobre todo... ¡disfrutad muchísimo! A coger fuerzas para 5º que vosotros y podéis. Ha sido un placer estar con todos y todas este curso, muchísimas gracias por habernos hecho disfrutar tanto. Vuestras tutoras, Mila y Sara.
Unit 6. Prehistory
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Hello everybody! Here you have the complete history timeline: REMEMBER : For our test we only need to study the PREHISTORY part: Here you have the main characteristics you need to know from each period: PREHISTORY Prehistoric times started with the first human beings, about 2.500.000 years B.C . and ended about 3.000 years B.C . with the invention of writing. Prehistoric times are divided into three periods : PALAEOLITHIC , MESOLITHIC , NEOLITHIC AND METAL AGES. STONE AGE PALAEOLITHIC The Palaeolithic time started 2.500.000 years B.C. and ended 10.000 years B.C. They lived in caves and huts. They were nomads (they travelled to hunt and find food). Palaeolithic people lived in tribes (small groups formed by families). They hunted and collected fruits . They painted in the caves’ walls .They discovered fire . They wore animal skins and fur. They used tools made of stone, bone and wood . Palaeolit...
Unit 9. All around the world
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Unit 8. Jobs we do
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Unit 5. Work and travel
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THE SPANISH ECONOMY The Spanish economy consists of three sectors: · Primary : Primary sector industries cultivate and extract raw materials from nature. Industries include fishing, mining and agriculture . · Secondary : Secondary sector industries change raw materials into manufactured products. · Tertiary : Tertiary sector industries provide services. Spain´s main services include tourism, transport, retail and the public sector (education, health care…) Primary sector · Fishing includes deep-sea fishing and coastal fishing . · Mining is still a significant industry in Spain. The main raw materials extracted are coal and iron. · Agriculture includes: o ...