Good morning!! Here is the most important information about Landscapes. Study! And good luck! 😉 INLAND LANDFORMS MOUNTAIN RANGE It is a row of mountains. HILLS They are small rounded elevations of land. PLATEAUS They are large high areas of flat land located above sea level VALLEY It is land between mountains or hills. They usually have rivers DEPRESSION It is when the land sinks below the surrounding area. PLAINS They are wide, flat sections of land. COASTAL LANDSFORMS BAYS BEACHES GULF Bays: it is where the coastline curves inward and lets in the sea. They often have beaches. A big bay is called a gulf. HEADLAND AND CLIFF Headland:Is a narrow piece of land that enter into the sea. Cliff: It is a wall of rock that rises from the sea. ISLAND AND ARCHIPELAGO Island: It is an area of land completely surrounded by water. Archipelago: It is a group of islands. PENINSULA It is a land surrounded by wa...